Wells Tower visited Kepler's on April 28 to sign copies of his short story collection Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned.
Read Michiko Kakutani and Edmund White’s rave reviews of Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned in The New York Times and The New York Times Book Review.
Justin Dimos wrote here that Wells Tower's "debut story collection paralyzes with its unflinching take on remorse and the future’s uncertainty, with stories as believable and as haunting as the epigraphs chiseled into tombstones."
Wells also talked to us briefly about his writing process and his special desk for writing that's completely offline, and his favorite books such as the Known World, by Edward P. Jones and the Moviegoer, by Walker Percy.
Check our You Tube clip, courtesy of Kepler's Angela M. for more.
Just wanted to add that he actually bought a copy of the book he talked about in this video - The 13 Clocks by James Thurber. Published by The New York Review Children's Collection, it really is a beautiful edition of the book.